Hey everyone!
We are excited to announce that we have a hosted IRC bouncer and web client that all pico users can use.
Guide #
- soju man page
- bouncer: ircs://irc.pico.sh:6697
- web client: chat.pico.sh
Generate a login token for bouncer #
- SSH into a pico service CMS (e.g.
ssh prose.sh
) - Select "tokens" submenu
- Type "n" to generate a new token
- Save token someplace safe
Log into chat.pico.sh #
- You'll be redirected to auth.pico.sh which implements a fake oauth2 service
- Enter the token from above
- Click submit
Back to chat.pico.sh #
- Click "remember me" (this is important)
- You'll see an error "Cannot interact with channels and users on the bouncer connection. Did you mean to use a specific network?" that's okay
- Message
(/msg BouncerServ help
) to configure the bouncer
Connecting to irc.libera.chat/#pico.sh
/msg BouncerServ help
network create -addr irc.libera.chat -name libera -nick <user> -enabled false
sasl set-plain -network libera <user> <pass>
network update libera -enabled true
/j #pico.sh
- Join any other channels or networks using the same method!